google-site-verification=UZOJzgQVIWen0hhmMkzbFt_zhpkperI9dij4XvLIaW8 Contoh Proposal Skripsi Bahasa Inggris google-site-verification=UZOJzgQVIWen0hhmMkzbFt_zhpkperI9dij4XvLIaW8 google-site-verification=UZOJzgQVIWen0hhmMkzbFt_zhpkperI9dij4XvLIaW8

13 Mei 2010

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Contoh Proposal Skripsi Bahasa Inggris




A.Background of Study

In this modern era, people demand to have more than one language. Language as a tool for communication takes an important role in our daily activities. Without communication, we will be left behind. Communication in foreign language is a bridge to get information, knowledge and culture. Indonesia as a developing country has realized that English as an International language is needed to be mastered by Indonesian people.




A.Background of Study

In this modern era, people demand to have more than one language. Language as a tool for communication takes an important role in our daily activities. Without communication, we will be left behind. Communication in foreign language is a bridge to get information, knowledge and culture. Indonesia as a developing country has realized that English as an International language is needed to be mastered by Indonesian people.
English is essential to be taught for the younger people, for this case; students from the beginner up to the senior high school. In developing the students’ ability in mastering English, it cannot be separated from vocabulary mastery. Because it can be a measurement of students, understand in English.
Teaching vocabulary can be done through some ways or some techniques. One of is by implementing of mapping words in teaching activities. In this case, students allow finding similar words, which has relationship to the main word. They can work in-group or individually. They learn to share knowledge and information about targeted content, and willingly do this because it is naturally following part of the class activity.
By implementing the mapping word technique in teaching, indirectly, students might be improved their knowledge of English vocabulary. at least it will be raised their self-confidence for expressing themselves openly, especially in speaking practice. Students can share their knowledge and experience from others, including respectful listening and appropriate sharing of personal perspectives. Students also reported that their understanding of concepts were expressed and considered, at least we hope students can do not only in developing their vocabulary but also they are able to practice either in speaking or understanding of meaning of words.
Derived from the writer’s experience when she was conducted her research at the SMP Negeri I - Indramayu, that the mapping words is a suitable technique for the students in secondary level for improving their vocabulary mastery. To be proved how far the mapping word could be influenced students’ vocabulary skill, in this paper the writer tries to elaborate everything related to the technique of implementing mapping words and its effect for increasing students’ vocabularies skill.

B.Identification of the Problem

Considering the important of the identification problem, the writer is identified the problem as follows:
1.Is the Implementation of mapping words technique effective for developing students’ vocabulary?
2.How develop students’ vocabulary through the mapping words technique?
3.Is the mapping word technique effective to recover the lack ness of students’ vocabulary?

C.Limitation of problem
The writer limits the study about, how to improve vocabulary for the students at the secondary school grade, through mapping word technique in teaching learning English for the class seventh at the secondary school.
In this paper, the writer focused to study about the effectiveness of the mapping word, apply in teaching learning activity to build up students’ vocabulary.

D.Formulation of problem
Based on the importance of this research and the effort for increasing student in writing mastery, to build up the their understanding in writing technique as many as possible, the writer would like to formulate the problem in his paper as follows:

•Is the descriptive Text effective to develop students’ writing Skill?

E.purpose of study
Based on the reason above, through this research the writer wants to prove that the descriptive text is a good technique applied in teaching English to overcome the students’ lack ness in mastery writing.

F.Significance of study
a.for student
1.The students are able to increase their skill in writing indirectly.
2.By applying descriptive text in teaching learning activity, hopes it can dig thestudent’s interest in English because the method is more fun and enjoy able.
3.Students will be more attracted in learning English without under pressure feeling and forced.

b. For the teacher
1.The teacher can motive students to encourage their vocabulary through some models of the mapping word technique.
2.Teaching vocabulary by using mapping word technique is attractive and variously, so, it is able to improve student’s interest.
3.It might for students making sharing with their friend, about their favorite things that can be implemented in their class.

c.For the Institution
The Mapping words can be applied for all purposes English learning to increase student’s skill. It is not only for improving students’ vocabulary skills but also, it can be applied in writing learning, even though for increasing students in reading skill relate to translate of difficult words.
For the institution mapping words can help students in general to develop their English capabilities so the School (the institution) gets the achievements and prestige among the education institution.

d.For the public (the readers in general)
The implementation of Mapping words for improving students’ ability in increasing their vocabulary, hoped, it can be followed by another teacher in teaching learning English activity. For improving students’ vocabulary skill and capabilities in reading comprehension, writing skill and so on.


A. The Definition of Vocabulary
1. What is Vocabulary?
Dedi Suryana , in Teaching Vocabulary (1990) states that; vocabulary is one of language components. It supports the teaching and learning of the four language skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing
As the language component, vocabulary must be taught in a proper way.. In his book, Dedi Suryana states that; vocabulary divided in to:
1)Vocabulary Skill involved deducing meaning from the context, Use of Dictionary, word formation coining, and ignoring unfamiliar words.
2)Vocabulary activities, involved word guessing, word association, crossword puzzle, cline, word-classification, and rid dies.

2. The ways of teaching Vocabulary
Here are some notes on the teaching of vocabulary:
A.Pre-teaching (relate to the text)
-The word cannot be deduced from the text
B.Stand Alone
-select new vocabulary items from the previous text
-add some more new words
-give explanation using the technique we have
-followed by practice and use

3.How Teach Vocabulary integrative?
In Training Plan for LKI and LKGI, Dedi Suryana (1997:1) explores that teaching vocabulary integrative, as follows:
1) Brainstorming
2) Discussion
3) Explanation/Conclusion
4) Analyzing
5) Designing
4. Indirect vocabulary learning

Children learn word meanings indirectly in three ways:
1.They engage daily in oral language
2.They listen to adults read to them
3.They read extensively on their own.
Children learn many new words by reading extensively on their own. The more children read on their own, the more words they encounter and the more word meanings they learn.

B.The Definition of Mapping Words Technique
Mapping words technique is one activity to increase student’s vocabulary in English. It often teach to be one of the most effective ways of integrating language skills in the language classroom. Though the terms ‘mapping words’ have been interpreted in many different ways by both teachers and textbook writers, both activities offer a flexible yet principled way of tailoring intergraded skills to learner needs.
Mc Donough (1994:217) states that:
“Network vocabulary and simulation work, on the other hand, usually requires the learners to take part in communication which involves personal experience and emotion”.

1.The effectiveness of the Mapping Words Technique according to the Experts

According to Ronald Charter in Vocabulary and Language Teaching (1988:12) states:
“The lists contain a word from the target language, either a synonym in that target language, or a translation in mother tongue, and these can be accompanied by a picture or some mean of graphic or other mnemonic representation”.

While according to Aston in an Interaction workbook (1982):
“Mapping Words activities can involve practice, especially, although by no means exclusively, where younger learners are involved”.

From the statements above the writer concludes that speaking activities based on graphics are often a useful way of giving students valuable practices, either when they are in the classroom activities or out door activities. The relationship between the Mapping Words and its effect to improve student’s skill in mastering vocabulary, Nunan (1991) states that;

“This activity is also useful way of developing notion of conversational listening skills in that the listener can ask for further clarification if something has been understood”.

2.The Phase of Mapping Words in Teaching Vocabulary
A model for structuring Words activities in the classroom is offered by Herbert and Sturtridge (1979). In this case, Herbert and Sturtridge state that:
“The structure incorporates the flexibility mentioned above with respect to how tasks can be graded, the role of the teacher during the activity and to the type of material to be used”.

They suggest three-phase sequences for staging Mapping words techniques in teaching vocabulary they are;
1.First-phase; the informational input can either be in the form of a memorizing to read or perhaps it could be listening based

2.Second-phase; the information that other learners have similar with respect to some of the measures above, and very different in other case.

3.The third- phase; the feedback phase, has to be handled carefully so as not to become a negative account of what went wrong. For error analysis it might be possible to give a report on general types of mistake that were made in the group, or where and how communication broke down, as well as giving individualized feed back to learners.


A. Methodology of the Researh
This paper conducts an experimental method. Some views on the definition of the experimental method stated as follow:
Surakhmad (1989:29) states that:
“Experimental research is the method of the research which explain the data for predicting the events in the future”

Suryabrata (2003:58) states that experimental design is;
“The experiment research is oriented to observe possibility of causal- effect by giving treatment to on or more experimental groups, within it on or more condition of treatment trying to compare the result of the samples”

Base on the statement above, the writer could determine that experimental research is the sign used for explaining data in future situation and to observe the possibility of causal-effect by giving treatment to compare the result.
The method that used in this research is descriptive quantitative method, where it uses a field as an object observation describing a situation in the present time. In this paper, the writer tries to find out significance between the implementation of the role-play in teaching learning activities, and it significance in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.

B. Population and Sample
1. Population
According to H. Muhammad Ali, (1992:5)
“If the sample really represent of population, what is known about the sample is our knowledge of the population. The implication is, if the research which used really represent of population, so done generally to the population”.

While according to Arikunto, (1998:115-117) states that:
“Population is the whole of research subject, where as sample is a part of population”.

In this case, the writer has chosen the seventh grade of SMP Negeri I Indramayu.

The sample to be investigated is taken randomly. The number of sample is 40 students as the experimental or as an experimental group. In this case the writer chooses 40 students as the control group as the comparer to the sample.
C. Place and Time

The place of research that conducted by the writer is; SMP Negeri I – Indramayu. The observation is done on March 6, up to 6 of June 2009.

D. Data Collection
To get collecting the objective data, the writer will apply the steps as follows:

Observation or Study is an activity to do measuring, by using some instruments or questions to get the data.
In this paper, the writer will observe the things that relate to the research process, which can support result of the data such as the condition of class, the students’ capacity in English skill or the condition of population, the technique of teaching vocabulary, the material, and the realia using in the class.

The writer observes variables and collects the data by using test as the main instrument. It consists of:
1.The Pre test
2.The Post test
a.Pre-test: the first test before the writer applies the method teaching vocabulary by used the Mapping Words technique.
b.Post-test: the second test after the writer applied the method teaching of vocabulary by used the Mapping words technique, to know how far distinction of developing student’s mastery in vocabulary.
The questionnaires are one of the research instruments. The writer uses the open questioner. It’s only for the English teacher, where the aim to know how far the relationship among methods. The writer has determined the answer to be marked by the respondents (teachers).the writer takes some questions as the research instrument as follows.
1)To dig information deeply, about teaching and learning process.
2)The result is easy to be reported.
3)The respondents will return the questioner quickly

E.Data Analysis Procedures
Based on the research method that will be carried out in experimental research methodology, so the writer will analyses the data by using the formula that explained by Suharsimi Arikunto as follows:
Where: t = Test score
M= Mean of each group
N= Number of subjects
X= Deviation of X1 and X2
Y= Deviation of Y1 and Y2

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